
It was a rather balanced weekend… if you call watching 4 movies in one evening, going to a car show, and shooting guns a balanced weekend!

Friday I was work a bit later than usually… but, it was worth it, since it was closure on a long project. There are still a few pieces to clean up this morning, as I see while reading my incoming emails. But, nothing to stress about. Not that I have been stressing, but, apparently, this project has been a little mismanaged from the get go. Lucky me.

Friday night… I saw Williamsburg, the Musical. If you didn’t see it, and you live in the area… you missed out. The thing was hysterical. I mean, it was really really really funny. It had way too many secrets given away about the ‘burg, but, alas, it is the place they poke fun of, deservedly. It was amazing. I hope it gets picked up and done again, I’d go again. And, I have to get the original score of the songs… once it’s done.

Saturday was fun. Not really. It was a day I wish I had a do-over for. It all started with me having to get up early to go get my car out of impound. And it just went downhill from there. Granted, it was my Dad’s birthday, but, it didn’t help. I was supposed to be at a car show at noon. I wasn’t there until 2:30 in the afternoon. So much for trying to be patient and going with other people’s plans. I wasn’t too pleased about having to spend most of my day waiting for people… once I finally went to the car show, saw the cars, I called it a day and went home and watch movies all day.

Sunday was member appreciation day at LVSC… and, in typical fashion, I maintained my constant. I shot a 66, again. At least I am consistent. It was a nice day, good people, and entertaining… with the exception of the not too smart father who was walking around the back of the course with his gun loaded. Nice.

The night ended with me watching the first 4 episodes of Dexter from season 1. Pretty good show… definitely makes me want to get Showtime back. But, first, I need my basic cable back! Stupid TWC has been messing with my lines since Thursday… and I’ve been getting zero channels. Fantastic.

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