
By the end of last night, I was kaput.

Between Thursday and Sunday I was busy. Really busy. Went to the Ministry shows on Thursday and Friday. Had dinner with a friend on Friday night, before the show. Hung out with friends after the show, which ended at 1:30am. Saturday I had to hussle myself to get up and out and do errands before going to a Yankees game. After the game, I came back to the hood to meet up with Melissa for her birthday BBQ. More meat than you’d ever really want to consume in any giving time. Man. After the BBQ we went out for a few drinks, and I wandered home after people starting fading out. Woke up Sunday around 7am, for the second or third time, with excruciating pain in my stomach. Not fun. I spent most of the morning, and early afternoon on the couch like a beached whale. By about 6 or so, I finally decided it was safe for me to try and eat. Had some dinner, and went to visit with my friends for a bit. My reason for going home… my knees hurt from all the standing I had been doing all weekend.

Sadly, I had to miss Jon’s birthday trip to LVSC. Very bummed. And, to add insult to injury, it was a beautiful day! I can only imagine what it was like in Coplay. Boo meat!