MPAA raises the censorship bar

taxi poster

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has rejected Taxi On the Dark Side’s poster as being “not suitable for all audiences.” …

What’s offensive about this image? The detainee in the hood. Well, actually just the hood. An MPAA spokesman said: “We treat all films the same. Ads will be seen by all audiences, including children. If the advertising is not suitable for all audiences it will not be approved by the advertising administration.”

Welcome to the new age of censorship kids, it makes McCarthyism seem almost quaint.

Say hello to your baby avocado

Yes, you read the title right.

Today I went over to talk to Elin, a coworker who started shortly before I do, and was complaining about how I still felt a bit out of it today. She goes, in a slightly frazzle tone, “You want to talk about problems!? I have a small avocado in my stomach right now it’s annoying me!>” I had to sit down because I was laughing so hard. See, Elin rarely raises her voice or complains about anything other than work. And, she was so upset I couldn’t help myself, plus, she called her unborn baby a freaking avocado!

Oh… she’s only going to get more hilarious as the pregnancy goes on!