
Well, I’m back.

Here at my 2nd day back in the office, and things are interestingly slow. Several people are out sick, which I’m sure has something to do with it. And, I’ve been sifting through the large amounts of work related emails while I was away. Nothing to stressful… yet. Hopefully things will pick up in the next week or so, for production flow sake.

I’m still under the weather a bit, but, definitely feeling better. I think having the attitude, being sick will not get me down, and going out with friends last night to, yes, another concert, helped. I was definitely tired by the end of the night, but, I had fun, and met some new people. I’m pretty hopeful by the end of the weekend I’ll be pretty cleared up.

There is a chance I’ll be going to one night… but, I’m not sure. I have tickets to see Justice tomorrow night, but I have to give those up as I had to reschedule an appointment with Eric. And then I have an appointment with Chops next week.

I found Build Your Wild Self today, very funny. Below is the image I made.

Build Your Wild Self

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