Just One Fix

I feel like I’ve been coming down with something for like a week now. Not sure what it is. I feel fine, but I have congestion and mild headaches every now and again. Doing lots of water and trying to sleep better, but it doesn’t seem to have a huge effect.

It’s been pretty quick… I’ve been busy working the freelance gig with Sony BMG. Working late a few nights, and that keeps me from going out and spending money and getting over tired. I did, however, decide this weekend I’m going to hope on the wagon for 30 days. I’m starting now, and going to shoot for Oct 1st. We’ll see how it works out. It’s going to be tough during Neil’s birthday AND labor day weekend, but I have to do it. Trying to condition my self will power. See how well it works out.

I’ve had a few interviews… they’ve all been good, but, now that I have time to really look for a job, I’m being picky. But, it’s a good thing. I don’t want to just say ‘yes’ for the sake of having a job. Plus, in the meantime, I am working, and making and saving money. This will make a great transition into the next thing I choose to do.

Upcoming shows: Tiger Army, Boris, Alabama Thunderpussy, High On Fire, & Justice.
Upcoming events: Rumbers NYC, Williamsburg – The Musical, Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays Member Appreciation Day, Neil’s birthday, tentative trip to Montreal, probably a few other random things I’ve forgotten…

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