Damn Moon

The stars and moons are doing weird things, I swear.

I’m doing ok, and things are fine… but, I have to make sure to keep my emotions in check. For some reason, this week has been the week of the snap. It all started on Friday, when I started feeling like a person in a suit of myself… like I was watching myself go through the motions of a day in the life of. It was really annoying and awkward.

There have been other moments, as well. Much too personal to describe here. But, let’s just say, it’s been a strangely eerie few evenings in the heart pumping department. It’s nearly leaving me hollow feeling.

I won’t to say I’ll be fine, but, these things have definitely changed me. As a person. And as a man. I’m not sure when things will be square. Or if they even ever will.

It’s moments like this when the meaning of this site becomes transparent. I’m pondering myself, and you. Even though you don’t know who you are. I don’t either. Which is why it’s curious and strange. On the lighter side, this mystery makes it fun and intriguing. The dark side: deadly frightening and heartbreaking. I guess the past few days I’ve been reliving moments of the latter. It’s not fun, but not nearly as awful as the moment itself. I suppose we never rid of ourselves of these moments, and it’s these moments which ‘make us‘.

You have to wonder, or at least I do. Why must they resurface at the same time… is there a rhyme or reason for doing so? If there is, it hasn’t become clear yet. Maybe I’m digging too deep into the matters at hand, there isn’t any relationship at all. But, that’s really hard to freaking believe. Otherwise, the stories wouldn’t be so intertwined.

Man… sleep is going to be tough again, soon, isn’t it?

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