Jury Selection: Day 1

I got up at 6:00am.

Sat in bed for about half an hour then decided I should probably start getting ready.
I got ready fairly quickly and arrived at the courthouse around 8:00am or so. I sat and waited for over 2 hours before anything I actually had to respond to happened. I was selected for a group, for a potential selection. And after the first lawyer got the second paragraph out of his mouth, I knew I wasn’t going to be selected if I was interviewed.

I was right. Due to circumstance in the case being emotionally connected with something in my own past, I could not guarantee my emotions overpowering my reasonable thought process. I am sure it would have since even the vagueness of the content was similar, it wasn’t the same. But, without knowing what would come out during the trial, I wanted them to be aware that if certain things did, I may not be able to endure it. They completely understood and appreciated my approaching them about it. Basically, being honest.

Now I’m home… tired… but fed, and just relaxing on the couch… not doing much of anything. Feels like a long day between getting up early, phoning into work several times and sitting through jury selection.

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