Five Years

It’s incredible to think it’s been 5 years already.

There is so much which has happened since then… marriages, births, deaths, divorces, traveling, success, failures. Essentially, life as continued to go on, as it should and she would want us to. But, part of the process is wondering where this fine woman would be right now. She’d be either continuing her eduction, or already joining the ranks employment. It always come to mind this time of year, but this year it was brought to my attention a little early. Only because some idiot out there thought it would be cool to author this great porn spamming web application. Target plenty of sites and take advantage of the posting features.

I really have no idea why I was targeted, or this site specifically but it really is over the top. I’ve since added a security feature this morning which disables computers, and allow humans, to add messages.

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