Unexpected Day Eight


I missed my flight. Not intentionally, of course. I gave myself ample time to arrive at the airport and relax. What normally is a 45 minute drive, took 2 hours and 15 minutes. Yes. It took 3 times as long as normal. I figured, yes, it’s a morning commute, so I will simply double the length of time. This would have been fine for any other day.

Today, well, was a different story. There was not one, but two accidents in the ring near the airport. This sometimes wouldn’t be too bad, either. However, both accidents involved freight trucks. One was with 2 trucks, the other was with 5. It caused numerous amounts of people to miss flights. There were as many people at the ticketing counters as the check in counters.

I actually did arrive before my flight, however, they have a policy in place where you must arrive 60 minutes prior your flight leaving. I did not make that time, clearly.

Now I am left with the decision to try and find a place to stay, take a train back to Gent, take a car back to Gent, or stay the airport. Right now, I really don’t care for any of them. I’m tired and hungry, and I haven’t even begun the trip home.


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