The Ultimate Road Trip: Update 0

Well, I haven’t left… yet, but I do in a week. I’m not sure on how much online access I will have, but, I’m hoping to score a bit of Wi-fi here and there!

Anyhow, here is the loose plan, thus far. I’ve only got 2 nights where I have no place to stay… map attached below.

Oct 8th – Leave NYC/JFK for Brussels
Oct 9th – Land in Brussels around 9:30am
– Hopefully didn’t lose any luggage and leave BRU
– Meet up with Maki/Pieter in Gent, and stay at Pieter’s place
Oct 10th – Leave for Antwerp around mid-day
– Track down Koen (aka Q) and take him out to dinner!
– Go to the Dozer show at Trix 20hr
– Crash at Q’s place, if he doesn’t mind me coming in late… Koen?
– Look for ‘Seamus’ from Dozer board
Oct 11th – Enjoy some coffee/tea with Q, and head out for Groningen (possibly detouring to A’dam/R’dam)
– Go to Dozer show at Vera
Simplon Jonger Hostel (€34)
Oct 12th – Leave for Magdeburg
– Go to Dozer show at Baracke (no idea where this place is)
Oct 13th – Leave for Osnabrück
– Meet Heiko for lunch in Hannover?
– Go to Dozer show at Westwerk
– Find a place to crash! Maybe at the Penthouse!?
Oct 14th – Leave for Gent
– Meet up with Iris, Maki and Pieter
– Stay at Pieter’s place
Oct 15th – Sleep in
– Maybe my only day of not driving!!??
– Stay at Pieter’s place
Oct 16th – Get up nice and early and go to BRU to fly to NYC/JFK
Oct 17th – Wonder why I ever moved back to the states… ?

By the time the trip is over, I will have probably driven around 1500km. Or, just under 1000 miles. Let’s say the car I’m renting does 30mpg (fairly reasonable), this is about 12.75 km/l. I’m not sure of the standard tank size, but I’ll use 15 gallons/57 liters. I’m hoping I won’t have to re-fuel more than 2-3 times. This will also more than likely be 2-3 times the cost of gas in the US. If they ask if I want a diesel car, the answer is YES! They typically can get 50mpg, just over 21 km/l. Which would nearly double the average car in the US. The fuel in the countries I’m visiting is on par with the US price… but, the tax can be 100%-160% on TOP of the price we pay! Just thought I’d show I’m doing some research!

Road Trip map

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