Once again I think I’ve somehow affected my sleeping pattern. Not sure how this came about, but it’s after 4:00am, and I’m still awake and unable to relax my mind enough to sleep. Maybe there is more on my mind than I realize. Regardless, I wish I could fall asleep and rest for awhile. The weekend is closing… but, it doesn’t really mean sleeping in. However, Monday does.
Possibly the uncertainty of where my next paycheck is going to come from has something to do with it.
haha, welcome to my world… maybe you should make the most of this time and finally go to queens and get the fucking permit app at 830….. lazy bitch….
: )
It’s also scary you’re up… and reading my blog only minutes after I post something to it!
um, rss….. i know you like to think the whole world is stalking you, but its more like you just happen to be one of like 20 rss feeds, so relax…..