Yea, I know I shouldn’t post to my own blog about work… for the fear work people might read it. But, in this case, I don’t think it’s anything super secret or dangerous. Some people, I have no idea who, are very lazy in here. Not about work, however. This is the thing, everyone is really hard workers, stay late, diligent. Awesome team. But, when it comes to office chores it’s a different story. I’ve had to replace the soap after something finished it, the paper towels after someone used them all up, and the toilet paper roll after someone left it hanging. I don’t mind doing it at my house, after my roommate, because he does the same for me, and we forget sometimes. In an office environment, it should be different story. People are selectively selfish, I guess. It goes deeper, too. Everyone loves the fact the company supplies us with loads of food from Fresh Direct. However, when it arrives, you never see those hungry people ever help unpack the stuff and put it away in the refrigerator. The same goes for when the paper goods come. Just the other day, I was the only one unloading about 4 boxes of paper towels. About 28 rolls per box. And a huge box of tissue paper. Finally, an intern came over, and said, “You shouldn’t do this! It’s not your responsibility!” I know it’s not, but, who else was going to do it? I’m not bitter about doing it, I just don’t like the idea it’s the same very small group of people that do it. Why do we accept the janitor detail? We’re not you’re mom, right?